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2021-01-29 Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 CM2MT2 v2.20 - Standalone MTK auth ON - NEW CPU

As ordinary, unique functions and methods released

Changed: Protocol updated ( Raphael/Legacy )
AUTH: MT6752 with any security configuration supported standalone !
AUTH: MT6753 with any security configuration supported standalone !
AUTH: MT6768 with any security configuration supported standalone !
AUTH: MT6757 support improved/fixed

Changed: Identify procedure revised
- Support modern Android 10 devices
- Support for Android 11 devices activated
Changed: SmartReset procedure
- Support modern Android 10 devices
- Support for Android 11 devices activated

Firmware Reader:
Changed: Android 10 specific changes for modern devices
Changed: Android 11 initial support
Changed: New types supported
Changed: Internal Database updated

Changed: Some specific and brand list update

Changed: Many different changes and fixes

Read more here
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