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2022-10-11 Infinity #CM2SP2 boot-pack v1.12 with updated loaders


/boot-fdl/ has FDL loaders:
Blackview, Blu, BMobile, Infinix, iTel, Lenovo, Maxwest, Realme, Tecno, Yezz, ZTE

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2022-10-07 Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 #CM2MT2 v2.37 - general improvements and fixes

- "Restore Backup" config mode updated
- "Restore Backup" allow to select files manually
- Flash file (Scatter) Open|Select|Clean buttons at "Flash" page
- Flash file (Scatter) parser updated
- Flash file (Scatter) selection issue fixes
- MemoryTool file selection issue fixes
- MemoryTool gui minor changes
- "Switch to HS USB" option removed
- Config storage engine updated
- Account Check gives balance and subscription date
- "PMT Info" config value stored
- "Flash" page minor gui changes
- Loaders remote verification revised
- Installer updated to manage previously installed boot-pack

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2022-10-04 Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 #CM2MT2 v2.36 - general improvements and fixes

- SmartInfo parser output revised
- NVRAM parser output revised
- Firmware remote verification enabled
- Device remote verification enabled
- Preloader parser revised and fixed
- Peloader remote verification enabled
- "KG State" moved to Service page
- "Help" menu
- View log files by right mouse click on message window
- View log files via "File" menu
- "Logs" button at main window to view log files
- "Snap" button at main window to make screenshot
- "Stop" button at main window
- Verification for preloader|da|firmware integrity
- Show current settings at operation start
- Show "Local SLA" state at operation start
- Show "Flash Write" settings at operation start
- "HW Report" mode selection changed
- "Check Account" button at "Settings" page to verify Username and Password validity
- Loaders remote verification enabled
- Show loaders information at boot time
- Memory chip life-state warnings updated
- "Stop" item removed from the top menu
- Boot stage loader files information revised
- "GUI Mode" item removed from the top menu and moved to "View" button
- "Memory Tool" moved to "Service" page
- "Make Service Report" moved to "Service" page
- "Settings" -> "Firefy : EMI" menu item moved to "FireFly : AutoEMI" at "Settings" page
- "GUI mode" save/restore on startup
- "Change GUI mode" via "Settings" menu
- HW Compatibility Wizard enabled
- Server Hints engine enabled
- "PMT Info" option at "Platform" page display Partition Info during "Identify"
- "Save Boot Config" option at "Platform" page to store detected model config to models list

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2022-08-31 Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 #CM2MT2 v2.35 - general improvements and fixes

[*] Internal changes and fixes for protocols applied
[*] Internal changes and fixes for flasher applied
[*] Internal changes and fixes for preloader parser applied
[*] Preloader database handling updated
[*] Preloader database remote verification enabled by default
[*] Log engine updated: log files created for each session and stored to /log/ directory
[*] Deep Info parser enabled by default
[*] User Interface updated
[*] Product-specific Loader [DA] files moved to CM2MT2-boot-pack

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2022-03-15 Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 CM2MT2 v2.34 - OP and RMX extra stuff [part 1/2]

As ordinary unique #CM2 functions and methods released

Changed: Protocol updated RAPHAEL/LEGACY

Changed: Init GPT operations optimized
Changed: RPMB operations optimized

Changed: Protocol updated (RAPHAEL)
Changed: UltraFlash protocol updated
Changed: OFP direct support activated ( oppo and realme )
- Support normal and unmerged firmwares
- Support region selection for unmerged firmwares
- Make normal scatter as result FW

Changed: "Smart Reset" optimized
- Fixed issues with some A/B devices - Nokia, Tecno and similar models may be affected
Changed: "Smart Reset Extra" option optimized
- Fixed issues with some A/B devices - Nokia, Tecno and similar models may be affected
- Smart Reset Extra updated: Improved Samsung support for Reset/Change KG
Changed: Identify operation improved
Changed: FixDL operation now support also fix Oppo and Realme devices "black screen" with DL error
- Fix "download not completed" error
- Fix device production and operation state in case of flash erase or other fails
- Fix device ocdt params in case of erase or after factory cdt download
- Just run FixDL and software will make all automatic
- In some case (f.e. device with multi-config and "new" type) operation may require device reflash with correct files

Firmware Reader
Changed: Core optimized
Changed: Android 12 initial support
Changed: Internal DB update

Changed: "Smart Reset Data Safe" operation optimized
- OPPO : Engine has been rebuild to "safe" mode (no factory reset in case of unsupported version/config)
- OPPO : Confirmed and working with "original" manufactured models - A15, A5s and similar devices
- OPPO : Not work with OEM-made models - A1k and similar devices

Changed: FireFly : Sparse flashing optimized, modern images are supported now
Changed: Samsung KG : Separate change state button activated, kg operations optimized
Changed: Many importnatn internal changes, bugfixes and improvements

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2022-02-15 How to use Infinity CM2 or [BEST] Dongle with usb/network/remote sharing and debugger tools

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2022-01-19 Infinity #CM2 and [BEST] Pinout database v2.06

- boot keys
- pinouts
- test-points
- hardware types
- keyboard codes
- other information

2021-12-24 Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 CM2MT2 v2.32 - RPMB, more Repair & Service features

As ordinary unique #CM2 functions and methods released

Changed: FireFly loaders has been updated
Changed: FireFly DA loaders has been updated
Changed: RPMB operations activated - Read, Write, Erase
- Supported SoC: MT6739, MT6761, MT6763, MT6765, MT6768, MT6771, MT6779, MT6781, MT6785, MT6799, MT6833, MT6853, MT6873, MT6877, MT6885, MT6893
- Fast: 1 | 2 minute for 16MB on eMMC and UFS on Read | Write & Erase
- Easy and Safe: automatic backup at service cases, data verification

Changed: MemoryTool rebuild
Changed: Activated RPMB operations menu
- Allow Read RPMB memory
- Allow Write RPMB memory
- Allow Wipe RPMB memory

Changed: "SmartReset" rebuild
- Smart Reset Extra updated: support Huawei Account reset: EMUI 9-10
- SmartReset in DataSafe mode check and warn about "fixed" devices, where data loss possible
Changed: Identify operation improved
Changed: Repair Security
- Repair security now support VIVO devices
- Repair case select automatic, not need select / choose / do anything extra.
New Feature: ServiceReport: Allow read device-specific data and send to R&D team directly: Menu -> Extra -> Make ServiceReport
This option helps to collect hardware database and improve device detection process.

Changed: GUI changes : MemoryTool menu, Dialogs
Changed: Many importnatn internal changes, bugfixes and improvements

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2021-12-17 Infinity Pinout database v2.05 released

Database contain:
- boot keys
- pinouts
- test-points
- hardware types
- keyboard codes
- other useful information

NOTE: Installation path for this database is /pinout2/ and legacy database at /pinout/ can be deleted manually

2021-11-23 Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 CM2MT2 v2.29 - MT6781, A/B Reader and more

As ordinary, unique functions and methods released

NewSOC : MT6781 supported - any security state - SLA, DAA, Plain
Changed: Protocol updated for Raphael / Legacy platforms
Changed: FireFly / Infinity DA (Download Agents) updated
Agent : DA v2136 skipped, unstable

FireFly: NewSOC: MT6735 [Legacy]
FireFly: NewSOC: MT6737 [Legacy]

Current list of supported SoC:
Legacy : MT6737, MT6735
Raphael : MT6739, MT6761, MT6763, MT6765, MT6768, MT6771

!! EOL info and other HW stuff also shown for LEGACY
!! In most cases on LEGACY devices UserData encryption can be not set.
!! FireFly allow boot/read even devices with dead DRAM. No need to desolder eMMC for data recovery!

Changed: UltraFlash engine updated
Changed: Flash engine updated

Firmware Reader
Changed: A/B devices support activated!
! Android 10/11/12 with A/B slots processing is now supported
! Read FW is completely like factory one!
! Read FW is NOT damage anything on device! ( FOTA, A/B switch and other )
! Read FW is NOT read "broken" slots = no any further issues!
! Read FW identify active/alive slots = always WORKING firmware, extremely reduse FW size ( for ABv1 )
Changed: Database rebuild. Branded : Support most of modern LG, Oppo, Samsung, Vivo, Infinix, Tecno and other brands.
! All this is completely safe and factory-like firmwares!
Changed: Database rebuild. Unbranded : Many "noname" and small brands supported now as well.
! All this is completely safe and factory-like firmwares!
Changed: New types supported
Changed: Internal Database updated
Changed: MT6781 support

Changed: "SmartReset" updated for Android 10/11 devices.
Changed: "SmartReset Extra" updated
Changed: "Identify" operation now show more device info
Changed: Restore Backup operation has been updated
Changed: SPUnlock updated. Unsupported types reporting activated if user enable that option

[+] About 200 different general changes and fixes applied to algorithms and methods
[+] Software Update checker feature enabled

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2021-07-23 Infinity YouTube channel update

Please visit updated Infinity YouTube Channel

2021-07-16 Infinity DongleManager v1.86 released

- Report & Fix procedure improved
- Report & Fix suggested according to Smart-Card state

2021-07-01 Infinity DongleManager v1.83 released

- Important internal changes
- Report & Fix option released
- GUI changes

2021-05-05 Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 CM2MT2 v2.23 - New models and features

Changed: Protocol updated ( Raphael/Legacy )
NewSOC: ChipConfig for MT6833 activated ( under test )
Changed: BootHelper updated
Changed: Fixed SW reaction to conenction/power issues ( lags/stuck removed )
Changed: META core updated
! Allow connect from now to device, which already in META mode
! Identify by default not reboot device, other operations - reboot
Changed: Fixed Preloader mode handling on some driver versions
Changed: Fixed META init on some devices
Changed: SLA: Development feature to generate and send error reports automatically for unsupported devices
! No any data will be sent without user request

Changed: UltraFlash engine updated

Feature: Activated "Init GPT/PMT with resize" option
! Allow in some cases fix: Stuck/freeze/Rebooting issues on cheap encryption-enabled devices with cheap memory installed
! Issue found on MiPlay, some Infinix and other devices ( should work on more models range )
! Feature work by decrease UserData space size to avoid "bad blocks"

Changed: SmartReset updated
Changed: SmartReset Extra mode updated
! SmartReset Extra acts like ordinary ones, but make additional, brand-required operations :
- Reset MiAcc for XIAOMI ( non-permanent )
- Reset FlyMe acc for MEIZU
- Reset DEMO mode on VIVO devices ( under test )
! Other, vendor-specific scripts can be included by users requests
Changed: "Restore Backup" option updated
! Clean and prepare files for correct restore in secure devices revised

Firmware Reader
Changed: New types supported
Changed: Internal Database updated

Changed: Some general changes and fixes
Changed: Connection mode fixes

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2021-04-28 Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 CM2MT2 v2.22 - New models and features

As ordinary, unique functions and methods released

Changed: Protocol updated (for Raphael/Legacy SoC)
Changed: Loader v2112 supported and tested
Changed: MediaTek MT6757 support revised
Changed: StandAlone SLA now activated in automatic mode for phones that need it
Changed: Driver dependency is not important any more, it gives more flexibility and more stable operations
Changed: EMI DB updated, BootHelper updated
NewChip:: MT3561/MT3561S supported (CardHeadUnit)

Changed: Core updated for RAPHAEL SoC line
Changed: UltraFlash engine updated

Changed: Long-range reading (over 32+ GB) optimized ( in most cases for Forensic cases )
Changed: LEGACY support revised

Changed: SmartReset function process updated
Changed: New SmartReset mode activated - SmartReset Extra
! SmartReset Extra acts like ordinary ones but makes additional operations for specific brands:
- Reset MiAcc for Xiaomi ( non-permanent )
- Reset FlyMe acc for Meizu
! Other vendor-specific scripts can be included by users requests
Feature: "Restore Backup" option activated ( see Security tab )
! Automatic restore backup for connected device if this backup was already created earlier by Identify, Settings -> Autobackup option

Firmware Reader
Changed: Android 11 specific changes
Changed: Brand-specific changes and fixes
Changed: Better sparse handling
Changed: New types supported
Changed: Internal Database updated

Model DB
Changed: Changed acting model to semi-auto
! In most cases it is enough just to select required operation and connect devices ( BROM mode preferable )
! In some situations it may need to select older BASE DA for older SoCs ( LEGACY ones, since they are outdated )
Changed: New DA base v2112 included

Changed: Number of small changes and fixes
Changed: Some unused options and checkboxes has been removed as deprecated, UI become easier

Here is virustotal report for people who care about safety. Be sure you do not use low quality antivirus tools - first 6 lines in given list gives false alert!

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2021-04-20 Infinity Dongle [Smart-Card] upgrade server got new features

- Advanced error check and recovery methods implemented
- Automatic Smart-Card recovery after lost Internet connection
- New Smart-Card types are supported
- Infinity DongleManager v1.81 (or higher) is required
- Updated Smart-Card firmware for renewed dongles released

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2021-03-17 SL3 service comes back

SL3 service comes back with new price, check price before make an order

2021-02-18 SL3 servcie delay

There is a some kind of unpredictable delay with SL3 service.
We are trying to solve it with all our efforts.
If your SL3 orders become delayed and you can not wait any more please contact to support for refund.
Default quoted time for new orders is 7 (seven) days !

Thank you for your kind understanding !

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2021-02-15 Smart-Card managemen engine become revised

Smart-Card management engine has been adjusted, OS firmware code optimization was finished and finally whole system become ready for new features.
To improve whole system stability and to free Smart-Card memory for new features some kind of legacy code will be removed from Smart-Card OS and previously released free test versions (several year old) will be removed step-by-step.

For end users it will be no any visible changes, the only exceptions are:
- Smart-Card update process will be little bit faster due to firmware code optimization
- Legacy free test software versions will be unavailable. As a replacement for legacy free test versions you can consider to order paid one anytime

Currently NO ACTION by users are required !
New features will be applied automatically as a part of regular Smart-Card update
Please DO NOT update Smart-Card until you will see explicit message that firmware should be updated

2021-02-10 Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 CM2SP2 SPD-UniSoc v2.11 - Unlock, Repair, New CPU

As ordinary, unique functions and methods released

Changed: FlashCore protocol updated
NewSOC: UMS9117 support ( service mode )

Changed: Protocol updated
Changed: NVM manager updated

Firmware reader
Changed: Android 10 specific changes
Changed: UltraRead protocol updated
Changed: New types supported

Changed: Repair : Security Repair allow now repair signed devices
- Permanent lock and other issues can be also fixed with that feature
- Repair can be done in Flash and Diag mode
- Repair support new security devices as well ( Android 10 + )
Changed: Repair : UMS9117 repair security support activated ( Nokia line supported included )
Changed: Identify : Enabled Read All Info by default under FlashMode
Changed: FormatFS : UMS9117 Reset/Format FS support activated

Changed: UMS9117 support activated ( Nokia line supported included )
Changed: SC9863, SC9832 support improved

Changed: Many internal changes and fixes
Drivers: UMS9117 drivers are at support area

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2021-02-01 Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 CM2MT2 v2.21 - MT67xx and MT81xx ON

As ordinary, unique functions and methods released

Changed: Protocol updated ( Raphael/Legacy )
AUTH: MT6752 with any security configuration supported standalone !
AUTH: MT6753 with any security configuration supported standalone !
AUTH: MT6768 with any security configuration supported standalone !
AUTH: MT6757 support improved/fixed

Changed: Identify procedure revised
- Support modern Android 10 devices
- Support for Android 11 devices activated
Changed: SmartReset procedure
- Support modern Android 10 devices
- Support for Android 11 devices activated

Firmware Reader:
Changed: Android 10 specific changes for modern devices
Changed: Android 11 initial support
Changed: New types supported
Changed: Internal Database updated

Changed: Some specific and brand list update

Changed: Many different changes and fixes

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2021-01-29 Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 CM2MT2 v2.20 - Standalone MTK auth ON - NEW CPU

As ordinary, unique functions and methods released

Changed: Protocol updated ( Raphael/Legacy )
AUTH: MT6752 with any security configuration supported standalone !
AUTH: MT6753 with any security configuration supported standalone !
AUTH: MT6768 with any security configuration supported standalone !
AUTH: MT6757 support improved/fixed

Changed: Identify procedure revised
- Support modern Android 10 devices
- Support for Android 11 devices activated
Changed: SmartReset procedure
- Support modern Android 10 devices
- Support for Android 11 devices activated

Firmware Reader:
Changed: Android 10 specific changes for modern devices
Changed: Android 11 initial support
Changed: New types supported
Changed: Internal Database updated

Changed: Some specific and brand list update

Changed: Many different changes and fixes

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2021-01-28 Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 CM2MT2 v2.19 - Standalone MTK auth ON - NEW CPU

As ordinary, unique functions and methods released

Changed: Protocol updated ( Raphael/Legacy )
AUTH: MT6580 with any security configuration supported standalone !
AUTH: MT6735 with any security configuration supported standalone !
AUTH: MT6737 with any security configuration supported standalone !
AUTH: MT6731 with any security configuration supported standalone !
AUTH: MT6739 with any security configuration supported standalone !
AUTH: MT6750 with any security configuration supported standalone !
AUTH: MT6755 with any security configuration supported standalone !
AUTH: MT6757 with any security configuration supported standalone !
AUTH: MT6761 with any security configuration supported standalone !
AUTH: MT6762 with any security configuration supported standalone !
AUTH: MT6763 with any security configuration supported standalone !
AUTH: MT6765 with any security configuration supported standalone !
AUTH: MT6771 with any security configuration supported standalone !
AUTH: MT6785 with any security configuration supported standalone !
AUTH: MT6795 with any security configuration supported standalone !
AUTH: MT6797 with any security configuration supported standalone !
AUTH: MT8163 with any security configuration supported standalone !
Changed: BootHelper package updated
- Automatic Self-Learning function activated
- Do not need to make HWreport anymore before other operations in most cases !

Changed: META core updated
Changed: Security repair features rebuild. Bugfixes.

Firmware Reader:
Changed: Some modern brand-specific changes (Vivo, Meizu)
Changed: New types supported
Changed: Internal Database updated

Changed: Many different changes and fixes

Alternative MTK drivers package uploaded to support are, intstall it if you have any kind of connectivity issues

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2021-01-26 Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 MTK/MediaTek v2.18 - Standalone MTK auth ON - new models and features

As ordinary, unique functions and methods released

Changed: Protocol updated ( Raphael/Legacy )
Changed: Loader v2044 supported and tested ( v2028 was unstable with MT6765 )
NewChip: MediaTek AC8227 (Car HeadUnits SoC) supported
NewChip: MediaTek AC8257 (Car HeadUnits SoC) supported

Changed: Core updated for RAPHAEL line

Changed: META core updated

Changed: HW Report ( RAPHAEL - only )
- LifeStatus identify revised, in some cases it may shown wrong info. Strongly recommend use latest version for HWcheck !
!* Feature also allow automatic select and store for further use BOOTROM connection settings for RAPHAEL devices (DRAM init)
!* HWreport not require complete boot in case of semi-dead devices, it is useful for HWdebug
!* HWreport result may vary in diffirent models and agents even on the same SoC !

Firmware Reader
Changed: Some modern brand-specific changes (Oppo, Realme)
Changed: New types supported
Changed: Internal Database updated

Model DB
Changed: New agents included for Tecno, Infinix ( with different SoC lines )
Changed: New DA base v2044 included

Changed: GUI settings now stored and load select style, settings and other at next run
Changed: Environment compatibility issue with 32 bit OS has been fixed
Changed: Many different changes and fixes

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2021-01-23 Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 MTK/MediaTek v2.17 - Standalone MT67xx auth ON

As ordinary, unique functions and methods released

Changed : Protocol updated ( Raphael/Legacy )
NewFeature: Standalone SLA/Auth [Raphael] **
Changed : Internal EMI engine updated : RAPAHEL : UFS support rebuild

Changed: Core updated for RAPHAEL line
Changed: UltraFlash feature updated, new security workarounds supported

Changed: Identify
!* Read new Android 10 specific fields, vendor-specific fields
Changed: Smart Reset
!* Optimized support for different customized and generic cases

Changed: HW Report ( RAPHAEL - only )
!* UFS line devices now supported with following features:
- CID info ( FlashIC base info, name, vendor ) - default info, even if boot can nott be completed by some HW or SW reasons
- LifeInfo ( SLC, MLC, EOL status and use counters ) - allow understand how bad it feels
- RPMB info ( is it key programmed or clean and can be re-used )
- Partitioning details and other
- HWreport log saving enabled ( for further analyze )
!* Feature also allow automatic select and store for further use BOOTROM connection settings for RAPHAEL devices ( DRAM init )
!* HWreport not require complete boot in case of semi-dead devices. Useful for HWdebug
!* HWreport result may vary in diffirent models and agents even on the same SoC !

Firmware Reader
Changed : Some modern brand-specific changes ( Xiaomi, Oppo, Vivo, Realme )
Changed : New types supported

BugFix : Many different minor changes and fixes
Changed : Generic protocol rebuild

- Standalone SLA/Auth allow you ignore device security setting and allow boot it without having any DA/Auth/Remote auth support
- You can boot ( with supported SoC ) device with any generic da and perform any need operations
- Support MT6765 - All security versions, no auth need, no special da need, no remote service need
Support Xiaomi, Oppo, Vivo, Realme, Huawei and whatever else existing
- Support MT6785 - All security versions, no auth need, no special da need, no remote service need
Support Xiaomi, Oppo, Vivo, Realme, Huawei and whatever else existing

NOTE: special boot-helper tool should be installed - included in CM2MT2 package

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2021-01-19 Infinity Data Explorer v1.11 - MTK, SPD updated and more improvements

Data extraction based on full reconstruction of file system

- MTK module updated - added Call List extraction for some models
- SPD firmware structure detection improved, important algos and methods updated
- Minor bugs fixed

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2021-01-02 Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 SP2/SPD-UniSoc v2.10 - New year means new features !

As ordinary, unique functions and methods released

Changed : FlashCore protocol updated
NewSOC: UniSOC Tiger T61x series support
NewSOC: UniSOC UIS7862 (Car HeadUnits SoC) series support
NewSOC: SC7731E Android 10 / FastProto supported
NewSOC: SC9832E Android 10 / FastProto supported

Changed : Protocol updated
Changed : NVM manager updated
Changed : FastFlash protocol updated ( SC7731E, SC9832E supported )

Firmware reader
Changed : Android 10 specific changes
Changed : Initial Tiger and NaT devices support
Changed : UltraRead protocol updated ( SC7731E, SC9832E supported under 0S loaders now )

NewFeature: Security Repair allow change PSN1/PSN2
- In newer devices PSN1/2 damage may lead to bootlop, ota and other issues
- In newer devices PSN1/2 used as bootloader token
Changed : Identify : Correct MEMORY and RAM size reading for Android 10 devices
Changed : Identify : Read PSN1 and PSN1
Changed : Identify : SC9832E and SC7731E can be used to verify eMMC ReadOnly state (0S loader mode)
Changed : Repair : Identify signed devices during repair
Changed : NVM : Read and Write operations revised

Changed : UserData dump feature updated ( Legacy line fixes )

Changed : SC9863 support updated
Changed : SC9832 support updated
Changed : PermLock fix ( processed in automatic mode, fix issue with possible PermLock after first unlock try )
NewFeature: Error codes explanation and hints
NewFeature: Damaged devices ( security destroyed ) detection
NewFeature: Damaged devices ( permLock ) detection

Model DB
Changed : New generic loaders included for SC7731E with Android 10 ( 0S type )
Changed : New generic loaders included for SC7792E with Android 10 ( 0S type )
Changed : New generic loaders included for Tiger T61x
Changed : New generic loaders included for UIS7862
Changed : ZTE, Itel and others line loaders updated to support faster operatons amd more HW variants

Changed : GUI settings now stored and load select style, settings and other at next run
Changed : Lot of different changes and fixes

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2020-12-31 Server algorithms for SPD unlock updated

Server algorithms for SPD unlock updated with important improvements.
No need to update CM2SPD software at the moment, CM2SP2 v2.09 can handle process well.

2020-12-19 Infinity Facebook group

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2020-12-15 Infinity Chinese Miracle II SCR/SPD-RDA v1.07 - RDA8955x CPU line supported

As ordinary, unique functions and methods released

RDA8955x is an extra cheap SoC with 2G/GPS support.
It is used in cheap wearable, IoT and feature phones.

Supported CPU list:
Spreadtrum: SC6530, SC6531, SC6531(A/C/D)
SpreadTrum: SC68xx ( with external PAC )
SpreadTrum: SC770x ( with external PAC )
UniSoc: SC6531E, SC6533, SC6533G, SC770x
RDA Mirco: RDA8955G, RDA8955GE, RDA8955L
RDA Mirco: RDA8851 rev A,B,C,L,CL
RDA Micro: RDA8826

NewChip: Support RDA 8955 Line (8955G, 8955GE, 8955L)
BugFix: Support for some SC6533 revisions fixed ( Wrong PMT issue )

Support RDA 8955 Line (8955G, 8955GE, 8955L)
- Identify ( Security info, compilation info, Hwinfo )
- Format FS / Reset Settings
- Read UserCode / PrivacyCode
- Repair Security
- Read Flash / FW
- Write Flash / FW / LOD

Changed: CompileInfo extraction improved ( RDA / SPRD / UniSoc )
Changed: BOOTROM support improved ( RDA )
Changed: SVC ( Diag ) mode support optimized for modern UniSoc 89xx platforms

Changed: Security code read in FlashMode revised ( RDA )

BugFix: Lot of small different changes and fixes
Option: GUI ( File -> GUI ) : allow select other interface mode
!* Default - standard V2 line GUI
!* Wide - best for big screen / big distance to monitor
!* Wide Log - extend log window to screen size. Optimal for most cases

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2020-11-03 Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 SP2/SPD-UniSoc v2.08 - NAND, Forensic and more features !

As ordinary, unique functions and methods released

Changed : FlashCore protocol updated
Changed : NAND support rebuild
Changed : X64 SS/RS loader line handling optimized
NewSOC : SC9820E with NAND support
NewSOC : SC7731E with NAND support

Changed : NAND support rebuild
Changed : Big files handling optimized
Changed : NVM manager updated

Firmware reader
NewFeature : UniSoc NAND SC9820E/SC7731E support activated!
- Allow backup FW from range of phones, based on SC9820E/SC7731E SoC with NAND flash memory
- Firmware is complete, not damage any security, ota or any other compatibility
Changed : Improved structure identification
Changed : Forced reading ( disable deep verify ) option enabled - Use WITH CAUTION!
Changed : Android 4.x / Mocor 5 specific changes
Changed : UBI defragmentation for NAND devices activated by default

NewFeature : Security Repair allow change BT/WiFi MAC
- Useful only in DiagMode for UniSoc(E-line), Flash/Diag for SPRD line
Changed : Security Repair options - Generate MAC's - double click at MAC field to generate and activated
Changed : Security Repair options - AutoIncremental set SEC2/SEC3 fields, when SEC1 set. Just double click in next field
Changed : Security Repair : NVM Manager updated according latest devices changes
Changed : Identify : Support identify for UniSoc NAND line
Changed : Identify : NAND identify speed increased

Changed : Privacy reading types increased to 4 ( +2 new types )
NewFeature : UserData DeepVerify and DUMP activated!
- Available for users with active Infinity Data Explorer module!
- Ignore ALL sprd protocol limitations, which require MEMORY DESOLDER and EXTERNAL MEMORY PROGRAMMER using!
- Allow verify and dump COMPLETE USER image for wide range of types and filesystems
1. eMMC with EXT3/EXT4 filesystem. FDE check may differs from Identify!
2. eMMC with F2FS filesystem. FDE check may differs from Identify!
3. NAND with UBIFS. Result image defragmented and prepared for further forensic analyze
- Internal checks during dumping make differ, than Identify option, analysis. Even if Identify say FDE - device can be not encrypted.
- Ability to resume dumping in case of read fails, can be used much times, as need
- After dumping device must be flashed!
1. Get FW or make FW backup from WORKING/GOOD device with complete options if SW asks
2. Complete Flash device
2. If need revert device to initial state
2.1 : Select FW, uncheck all items ( Rmouse - > Uncheck all )
2.2 : Select UBOOT/SPL
2.3 : All other settings must be default, not touch anything
2.4 : Flash device

Model DB
Changed : New generic loaders included, changes some existing once for better compatibility
Changed : Generic SC9820E NAND loaders included
Changed : Generic SC7731E NAND loaders included

QIN QF9 ( QIN1 SC9820E ) - full support : Read/Write FW,Reset Settings,Security,Service
- Firmware can be found on support area
- Boot key : Call button
- Change Lang sequence : Ok, Left, down, ok, 15 times - down, ok, ok, select need language ( English )

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2020-10-22 Infinity Online Service (IOS) updated

- New product available - TFM-Tool software license
- AMT Dongle Special Offer (discount price) extended up to 19 Nov 2020

2020-10-13 Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 MTK/MediaTek v2.16 - Another step forward

As ordinary, unique functions and methods released

Changed : Protocol updated ( Raphael/Legacy )
BugFix : MT6737M/MT6580
Changed : Internal EMI engine rebuild
!* LEGACY line : DB rebuild and updated, changed and optimized selection features
!* RAPAHEL line : DB rebuild from scratch. Selection feature rebuild. Manual mode removed and changed to automatic.
Summary :
!* Supported almost all existing memory/dram combinations up to current date for LEGACY lines
!* Supported almost all existing memory/dram combinations up to current date for RAPHAEL lines ( up to DIMENSITY line )
!* REMOVED manual EMI selection by bruteforce. NOT NEED ANYMORE set one-by-one internal EMI db counter and boot device every time. All auto.
!* In rare case of discrette DRAM may require change EMI once for some specific devices
!* After device learning ( via HW report feature ) it will be stored in SW Database and used automatic at every service/flash/repair operation
!* Overall : Not need seek compatible preloader files for new/not existing FW's devices, spend time to bruteforce and etc. Just connect and work!

Changed : Core updated for LEGACY line
BugFix : MT6737 with Android 10 flashing revised
BugFix : Checksum verify rebuild
BugFix : Changed memory repartition model for modern scatter formats ( used in Android 10 FWs )
BugFix : Different scatter-version dependencies handled now correct
Changed : Core updated for RAPHAEL line
Changed : UltraFlash feature updated, new security workarounds supported

Changed : Identify
!* Legacy platform changes, mostly for Android 10 devices
Changed : Smart Reset
!* Optimized support for different customized and generic cases

NewFeature : HW Report ( RAPHAEL - only )
!* Allow read extended info from device about its HW
- EXTCSD info ( complete, include eMMC version, all flags etc. ) - used in case of identification for HWrepair purposes
- CSD info ( complete, TEMP/PERM write protection status ) - used in case of identification ReadOnly state in some cases
- CID info ( FlashIC base info, name, vendor ) - default info, even if boot can nott be completed by some HW or SW reasons
- LifeInfo ( SLC, MLC, EOL status and use counters ) - allow understand how bad it feels
- RPMB info ( is it key programmed or clean and can be re-used )
!* Feature also allow automatic select and store for further use BOOTROM connection settings for RAPHAEL devices ( DRAM init )
!* HWreport not require complete boot in case of semi-dead devices. Useful for HWdebug
!* HWreport result may vary in diffirent models and agents, even on same SoC!

Firmware Reader
Changed : LEGACY line support updated ( Android 10 line )
Changed : Support more different types
Changed : FileSystem tools updated. Issues with reading on some systems should be fixed.
Changed : More wide range of scatter versions creation according device specific data

BugFix : Lot of minor changes and fixes
Option : GUI ( File -> GUI ) : allow select other interface mode
!* Default - standard V2 line GUI
!* Wide - best for big screen / big distance to monitor
!* Wide Log - extend log window to screen size. Optimal for most cases

!* Strongly recommend to use ONLY Infinity or Factory firmwares for modern Android 9/10 device to avoid lot of issues
- FOTA issues
- Attestation Key Issues
- Tee Key issues
- Security issues

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2020-09-16 Smart-Card update procedure for several card-reader types

If you have the card-reader mentioned below and last Dongle firmware update attept was failed do the next:
- Insert smart-card into another card-reader
- Update Dongle firmware: do it ONLY ONCE even in case of error

The next card-readers shold be moved to TRASH immediatelly:
- USB Fenix Card Reader
- DITS CCID Smart Card Reader
- DITS Ezy Smart Card reader Module SC

2020-09-07 Infinity Online Service (IOS) updated - new software activation available

AMT-Dongle software activation for Infinity users is ready, you can activate this software for any Infinity product smart-card

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2020-07-28 Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 MTK/Mediatek v2.14 released - UltraFlashing activated !

As ordinary, unique functions and methods released

Changed : Protocol updated ( Raphael/Legacy )
NewChip : MediaTek Dimensity line ( MT68xx ) support under test

New Feature : UltraFlash - UNIQUE FEATURE !
!* Feature support Whole RAPHAEL line from MT6731 to MT6785. Vendor and security settings configuration in most cases is not important.
!* Tested with Huawei, Vivo, Infinix, Tecno "protected" and other models
!* Feature may not work in some "exotic" secure/da/fuse configurations and cases!
!* Feature not work with "remote authentificated" devices yet!

Changed : Reset PrivacyLock updated
!* Action selection now depend on different factors ( Android 6, 9 issues fixes )
Changed : Smart Reset
!* Optimized support for Android 5, 6
!* Optimized support for "customized" cases

Firmware Reader
Changed : Improved structure identification
Changed : Support more different types

Model DB
Changed : New agents included for Tecno, Infinix devices devices ( G70/G80/G90 )

BugFix : Minor changes and fixes

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2020-07-14 Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 MTK/Mediatek v2.13 released - Android 10 and new SoC types

As ordinary, unique functions and methods released

Changed : Protocol updated ( Raphael/Legacy )
NewChip : MediaTek MT8765 supported
NewChip : MediaTek MT8766 supported
NewChip : MediaTek Helio G70 supported
NewChip : MediaTek Helio G80 supported

Changed : Identify
!* More accurate FS state detection
!* Support for different "customized" devices identify - Huawei and similar
!* Support for A/B structure devices for read complete info - Nokia, Doogee, Infinix and similar
!* Support GSI/Trebble devices for read complete info
!* Android 5/6 devices fixes

Changed : Smart Reset
!* Optimized support for Android 5, 6, 10
!* Optimized support for "customized" cases - Oppo, Vivo, Huawei and similar
!* Optimized work with GSI/Trebble/A/B devices

Firmware Reader
New Feature : Android 10 supported!
!* Read FW result is completely factory-like
BugFix : Work with big partitions ( more than 4 GB )
Changed : Logical FileSystems sparsing supported
Cahnged : More intellegent identify of unknown layouts
Changed : Improved structure identification
Changed : Support more different types
Changed : Android version-depend additional data creation

Model DB
Changed : New agents included for Xiaomi devices ( G70/G80/Dimensity )

BugFix : Minor changes and fixes
GUI : Store last used FormatMode enabled

Thanks to : kamal_singla, gracy_elec and all other friends !

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2020-07-01 Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 MTK/Mediatek v2.12 - F2FS support, EncryptInfo and more

As ordinary, unique functions and methods released

BugFix : Some legacy chips support may broken, fixed (Agent 19xx-20xx)
BugFix : BROM mode support fixed for MT6752/MT6753

Changed : Identify procedure updated, read more useful info on Android 10 devices
!* From now on for modern Android ( 7 - 10 ) shown more detailed UserData state with encryption methods
!* That replace old ENCRYPTED/PLAIN states to avoid false-positive results for forensic cases
!* It may work not stable on earlier Android releases, it is recommend to check state also via MemoryTool if required
New Feature : Smart Reset ( Format FS option )
!* Support RAPHAEL line in SMART mode, not need change any options
!* Function detect correct settings automatically to avoid user from mistakes
!* Function detect correct file systems, include modern F2FS, and all variants of EXT filesystem to support wide range of old and modern devices
!* Function detect and reset all settings, include FRP and Privacy Locks ( for USER DATA SAFE methods - USE SEPARATE OPTION!!!!! )
Changed : META : Attestation Keys download procedure updated

Firmware Reader
New Feature : F2FS file system detection and creation supported
Changed : Improved structure identification
Changed : Support more different types
Changed : Combo scatter creation revised
Changed : Platform and version depend scatter creation for better compatibility with SPFT
Changed : Android version-depend additional data creation

Changed : Structure identification
New Feature : Build FILE SYSTEM at selected partitions
!* Allow make F2FS, EXT4 old and EXT4 modern variant of filesystem at selected partition
!* Select need partition ( for prevent mistakes - just one partition per operation allowed ) and desired filesystem
!* Useful also in case of unlocked devices with change FS or encryption method needs

New Feature : Android 10 specific changes on verification and file selection
Changed : Selection order modified according last changes of build SDK's and vendor-specific cases
Changed : Scatter tab changes, specific to multi-storage selection and settings

Model DB
Changed : New agents included for Tecno, Infinix, Itel, Panasonic, Walton brands ( with different SoC lines in every )

BugFix : Minor changes and fixes

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2020-06-22 Infinity Data Explorer v1.08 - Search Engine updated, SPD improvements and more

Data extraction based on full reconstruction of file system

- SPRD engine rebuilded
- contacts save method updated
- long SMS parse method updated
- HTML export released (via templates)
- gui: log autoclear option before new operation
- gui: pop-up menus for log (clear and save options)
- folder with date/time creation for Converter
- Minor bugs fixed

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2020-04-22 Information about Infinity products support period renew due to situation with COVID-19

Two months support period extend for free for all users

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2020-04-18 DongleManager v1.76 released

- minor gui changes
- external activation detection method updated

2020-04-01 Special offer for users/sellers with Infinity Lanaguage Editor smart-card dongle and/or Infinity Content Extractor smart-card dongle on hands

If you are an owner of a separate Infinity Lanaguage Editor smart-card dongle and/or separate Infinity Content Extractor smart-card dongle there is an option to convert that dongles to Infinity-Box/Dongle or to Infinity [BEST] dongle with small charge.

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2020-03-16 Infinity Data Explorer v1.07 - SPRD engine rebuilded and more

Data extraction based on full reconstruction of file system

- SPRD engine rebuilded
- contacts save method updated
- long SMS parse method updated
- HTML export released (via templates)
- gui: log autoclear option before new operation
- gui: pop-up menus for log (clear and save options)
- folder with date/time creation for Converter
- Minor bugs fixed

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